Tuesday, September 18, 2012


It happened. My first born started Kindergarten. As if I didn't already lose my bananas when he started Pre School last year, this was way harder. Add on raging pregnancy hormones and you can just imagine what a crying blubbering mess I was. My son, however, was amazing. He wasn't nervous at all. The Friday before school started all of the Kinder students were invited to go meet the teacher, check out their new room, hopefully meet some new friends and just kind of explore the school. Thank the baby Jesus they did this because it completely put all of the kids and parents at ease. The first day rolled around, Daddy made a pancake feast, we put on our school clothes and walked to the beginning of our next big chapter. I had my camera and tissues ready. I honestly think I was holding my breath.... I was so nervous. We lined up and the teacher opened the door and he walked right in and never looked back.  
That was it. 
He was ready 
He found a seat at a desk and I ran to the window to catch one more last glimpse. He looked up with a HUGE smile on his face and waved good bye. 
It happened so fast.
There were no tears. No clinging hugs. No nervous energy.
Steve and Sofia and I walked and she cried of course. She wanted her best friend back. I got home and sat on the couch and burst into tears. I was so heartbroken and so proud all at the same time. I knew he was ready, but watching him walk into something so new and so big that morning, with total confidence, totally blew me away. 

I learned a lesson that morning. I will always be his Mama no matter where he is. He will always know how much I love him and how much I support him. He will have to make decisions on his own, and figure out some of lifes hard stuff with out me being there to help. And I will always ALWAYS be his number one fan and will ALWAYS be there when he needs me, even if its from a far. 

I love you sweet boy. I love you so much sometimes it takes my breath from my lungs. I am so proud to be your mama and so excited to see what this new journey has in store for us. 

I love you to your Kindergarten bones. 

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