Dear Gavin,
If there was ever a boy that could talk his way out if ANYTHING, its YOU! Daddy and I have decided that you are going to be a lawyer when you grow up because your negotiating skills are ridiculous. A day with you is never ever ever dull. EVER. You never stop moving. You never stop talking. In a month you will be 3 and I am having a hard time with it. That's a hole different post :) This month has been a big month for you , and here is why.....
-YOU are officially potty trained! THANK GOD! And Friday was your first successful potty trip in a public place. HUG NEWS for us!
- You think its funny to ask "are we there yet?" a hundred trillion times while we're driving. This is not my favorite let me tell you
- You go to bed every night and say " I'm gonna tip toe quiet as a mouse so I don't wake my Sissy". And you do. and you haven't woken her since she moved into your room
- We got you a big boy car seat, and you love it. You say its soooooo comfortable
- You learned how to ride a big two wheeler bike (with training wheels) and are prettttty fast on it
- You fess up to every naughty thing you so to your Sister.... we'll see how long that lasts
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