Sunday, March 21, 2010

Date Day

Friday morning, we had a very special treat planned for Gavin. One of my girlfriends gave us tickets to a childrens show at the Performing Arts Center, and we decided to take Gavin on a date. Sissy played in the lobby with Chelsea, and we got to be just the three of us. It was so cool. The show was based on the Pigeon Books, and it was super duper cute. We weren't sure if Gavin would lose interest half way thru, we were just going to stay as long as he would last. He LOVED it! He thought it was the coolest thing. We saw it with about 200 elementary school kids, which he thought was great. Now he wants to go to school!  Dude, poop on the toilet and you can go wherever you want. Anyways, it was so fun just being the three of us. It rarely happens. I know Gavin liked not having to share us, even if it was only for 50 minutes. Thanks Chels and Jason for such a fun morning.

Later on the night, the HUbby and I got to go on a grown up date to Mortons Steak House. Don't get excited, we had a gift certificate, we're not ballers like that. It was fun. We were laughing because we are SO not used to eating at fancy shmancy places like that... we eat grilled cheese sandwiches at Red Robin.  The food was AMAZING! Seriously, so good. It was fun not to have to share my food, or eat so fast I can't even taste it. We needed a wheel barrel to get us to the car, we ate SO much. It was such a fun Friday :) 

Here ya go Bri.... the dreaded full body shot. I think its funny the ONE TIME we remember to ask someone to take our picture its out of focus and I'm laughing, HA HA
 a very tasty drink! 
The biggest shrimp I've ever seen, and they were sooooo good!

And there it is folks... the take it yourself photo

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