Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Snow Day

This Thanksgiving we headed to the snow for a family day filled with sledding, frozen noses, lots of falling, tons of laughing, sore booties, battered fingers, more laughing, yummy dinner, puzzles, and just plain ole fun. I've decided that snow clothes are only cute on little kids, but grown ups, not so flattering.  The kids had the best time and I can't wait for the next snow day. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families. 

Gavin and my mom took a run down the hill and nearly hit a tree. She was laughing SO hard. I think this picture is hilarious. Gavin just standing over her watching her crack up. LOL 
This was such a fun day


And YES we made it out for BLACK FRIDAY. 
We went 
We shopped 
we conquered 
and lived to tell about it

We went to Wal Mart and it was just as I had imagined. Chalk full of crazy eyed people fighting for merchandise like dogs over the same piece of meat. It was INTENSE. We scored the LAST Leapster, thank god, because that is ALL Gavin asked for this year. We somehow made it out in a half an hour, and wussed out on any more shopping and went to bed. 
Sorry Black Friday, one store full of madness is about all I can take. 

And today will be spent in our cozy clothes putting up  our Christmas decorations. This may be my most favorite thing to do. And the big question in our house right now is Real or Fake... tree that is. I like to put my tree up NOW which means fake, but I think the kids would like to go to the tree farm and pick their own this year. Hmm... what to do what to do? 
What will you guys have in your house? 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


 Have you done it? Have you stood in line in the freezing cold in the middle of the night with a bunch of other crazy bargain shoppers? Have you pushed old ladies, young children, grown men, to get your hands on the latest toy of the season? Have you ever yelled " THATS MINE' like a three year old, while swiping a T.V. off a shelf before someone else could? Have you ever had that crazy look in your eyes that only Black Friday shoppers get?
I have never been this person, but I think this year, I just might get on the train to crazy town and be one of those psychos foaming at the mouth when the Target door opens. I have two girlfriends that wait and plan for this day all year. If Black Friday shopping was a profession, they would be CEO's. They plan and map out entire stores. 

"Wear comfortable shoes" 
"Dont bother with a cart, people steal out of it
" Go in, get what you need, and get out" 
" Be aggressive!"

Its like we're going to war

 Their dedication and over all outcome of this shopping day amazes me, and this year I have decided to see what its all about. 
Please pray that I make it out alive and without patches of hair missing from my head, or a black eye. I've started stretching now, and have been informed that if I fall behind I will be left behind  LOL. 

I will be spending the rest of today memorizing the Target and Wal Mart ads in preparation for my mission. 
Are any of you going to be one of the over caffeinated freezing people standing in line? What are buying? 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Now I Love Monday!

Its Monday, and most Mondays are rough because, well, its Monday. The kids were playing semi nice so I took five minutes to check my morning Blogs, and when I clicked on Me Oh My Mama I was SHOCKED to see that I had won THIS amazing pillow from Love Leeves!  
I NEVER win anything! I am always the person right in front of the person who wins something. 
SO, WOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!! I am OBSESSED with this pillow. Please check out her shop, her work is adorable, and would be PERFECT gifts for the Holidays. 
Thank you Nicole form Me Oh My for such a great treat! 

Happy Monday Everyone! 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

P Is For Pumpkin

Looking for something different than pumpkin pie to serve at Thanksgiving this year?? This recipe is DELICIOUS! It doesn't last long in our house

Friday, November 19, 2010

What's For Lunch?

Run, don't walk to the store to get what you need to make THIS delicious soup! Its gonna rain this weekend and this is the perfect meal to keep you warm. I added a little more sausage cause that's the kind of girl I am. I also used chicken apple sausage because thats what was in my fridge, and I REALLY liked the way it tastes with the sweet potato. Do yourself a favor and make a pot for the fam, you wont regret it!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tough Kids and Favorite Things

 It's no big surprise that our days as of late have been a little difficult. If the boy isn't having a melt down, my Sassy Girl is. Everyday I get up and take a big huge heaping breath and put my game face on and head into the trenches. Screw the terrible two's, 3 1/2 is a doozy! SO, although our days are touch and go, I am trying to stay in the positive. Here are a few of our favorite things that keep a smile on our faces, even if its in between hissy fits and temper tantrums.

Yummy Jelly Beans from our Papas pocket
                                            Making wishes                                                                          

 Sissy girl LOVES her Pop and the Boy has been lugging these two everywhere
Playing in Papas car

 Spur of the moment late afternoon park trips

Our favorite people, a fire , and Beauty and The Beast 
Sissy in anything leopard print 

Things the Mama Likes 
NYC $2.00 nail polish in Park Ave ( PLEASE ignore my sausage fingers) 

Angry Birds Game for iphone. Seriously this game is so addicting. And Trader Joe's Contadino Sparkling Pinot Grigio. OH YUM!!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Interview

I saw this on a Blog somewhere, but I can't remember which one. I knew I had to do it with the Boy. Some of his answers were hilarious ! 
1. What is something mommy always says to you?
I love you  to my bones   
Daddy: Good Night Gavin 

2. What makes mommy happy?
Being Nice    
Daddy: playing with me 

3. What makes mommy sad?
Being Naughty    
 Daddy : being naughty 

4. How does your mom make you laugh?
Being crazy and making silly faces   
 Daddy: being crazy 

5. What was your mom like as a child?
Daddy: no Mom, he wasn't a little boy, he was a little Daddy 

6. How old is your mom?
Daddy: Six

7. How tall is your mom? 
so big     
Daddy: Bigger than you 

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
play with me and Sissy and kiss me    
 Daddy: Play hide and seek 

9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
wait for me to come back             
Daddy : wait for me to come back 

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
famous for having me       
Daddy: for buying a new fan ( ???)  

11. What is your mom really good at?
playing games with me    
 Daddy: playing cars 

12. What is your mom not very good at?
being naughty     
Daddy: cooking ( HA HA) 

13. What does your mom do for her job?
to be a mama   
Daddy: buys money ( I think he meant make money ha ha ) 

14. What's your mom's favorite food?
Daddy: burritos 

15.What makes you proud of your mom?
Daddy: playing cars with me 

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Dora and me and Daddy could be Diego. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

CraftHouse Productions

Hi Friends. I wanted to share something super special with you all. One of my oldest and  very best friends has started making wedding movies, and he's pretty darn good at it. He manages to capture everything that is magical about your special day. When you watch one of his movies, its like you have a backstage pass to the most intimate moments that make a wedding day so special. His work is thoughtful and romantic, sweet and just down right amazing. Please check him out and spread the word!!!! 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Holy Hotness

Its November right? Not the middle of August? I'm sorry, I'm just a tad bit confused because its 100 flippin degrees outside and instead if cozying up in blankets and drinking hot chocolate, we are sweating our butts off and standing in front of the air conditioner. ITs seriously maddening how hot it is right now. I can't even light my apple cinnamon candles because it makes my house too hot. 
I'm done with this. I know someone back East somewhere wants to punch me for complaining about the weather, and really, honestly, I would rather be cold and covered up than gross hot and sweaty. So, I guess go ahead and punch away, cause I'm going to be a big fat whiner till it cools down! 

We couldn't play outside this afternoon, for fear of heat stroke, or melting away, or something else very dramatic. So, this video explains how we kept ourselves busy. I think its pretty telling on how delirious we are. Ha HA 
Hope you all have a big freezer to stand in front of to keep you cool this week. 
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